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“Janelas/Windows” presents sounds recorded by the windows of the houses where I used to live during the development of this work, located in the historical Alfama and Mouraria districts (Lisbon, September 2015-April 2016).



Lisboa, Rua do Vigario,


October 2015




S. Estevao Church Bells

and birds singing recorded form a fourth floor window located in the near-by Rua do Vigario. (Alfama historical district).

S. Estevao Church Bells (first melody) and Birds - S. Estevao Church Bells (first melody) and Birds
S. Estevao Church Bells (second melody) and Birds - S. Estevao Church Bells (second melody) and Birds


Rua do Vigario, Alfama.

October 2015




Rain concert outside the window and inside my room. Due to a damage in the roof I slept during an intire night with drops falling in pots spread around my sleeping room to collect the rain...a real concert for a surprisingly good sleeping night!

Rain concert out_in-side - Rain concert out_in-side

Lisboa, 17.4.16,

12.30/01.00 am.


Sound recorded in Rua das Farinhas (Mouraria historical district) form a third floor window. In the night the garbage collection is made soundind in the quietness of the night.

Garbage collection in Rua das Farinhas/Mouraria - Garbage collection in Rua das Farinhas/Mourari
Garbage collection in Rua das Farinhas/Mourari - Garbage collection in Rua das Farinhas/Mourari


Escadinhas da Rua das Farinhas,

15.11.15;  12.30 am


Voices in the night: a discussion between a window and the street.

Night discussion between a window and the street - Night discussion between a window and the street
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